At the top of Silver Peak | |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-07-2019-sylviajeanhike/gallery_img_20190807_152724.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/08-10-2019/gallery_img_3319.jpg) | Another bear print, this time with a $20 bill for scale | | Peter's summer singing camp |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-10-2019/gallery_img_20190810_110524.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190820_114339.jpg) | | | A tubing/biking trip to Yakima. But unfortunately our bikes were stolen from the hotel parking lot... |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190820_114403.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190821_103906.jpg) | | | At the Central Washington Agricultural Musuem. A fascinating place, with everything right out there, available to see. |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190821_110307.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190821_112239.jpg) | | |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190821_112743.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/08-20-2019-yakima/gallery_img_20190821_105000.jpg) | | | A portable shepard hut |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/08-21-2019/gallery_img_3341.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/09-04-2019/gallery_img_20190904_073958.jpg) | Bread slicing machine | | Peter's first day of school - 7th grade! |
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| ![](/Pictures/2019/09-06-2019/gallery_southbellbkclb.jpg) | | ![](/Pictures/2019/09-15-2019/gallery_img_3542.jpg) | Book club ladies - we were a full house! | | Playing rummikub | | |