At the Holiday Inn in Clifton, New Jersey. Playing around in the hotel room. | |
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| | | | | | Taking a driving tour of Clifton, where Eric's father Ken grew up. The grave of Eric's grandfather and grandmother |
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| | | | | | The neighborhood has become VERY arabic. Lots of stores, mosques, etc. |
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| | | | The local park had a tank! It was called the Richard Stockinger Memorial Playground - Stockinger was the name of my father's best friend as a child. | |
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| | | | The playground itself was a little shabby looking | | But, it did have a cool merry-go-round! |
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| | | | Getting ready for the party. The rest of the party pictures are not from our camera, since we forgot it! | | Assorted pictures from the reception |
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| | | | At the airport the next day, heading to Germany | | | | | | | | |