
Generally just hanging out, waiting for baby #2 to be born...

Musicians at the Folklife FestivalKenny can actually climb this all by himself now!

A race at the Concrete Canoe FestivalClimbing into a concrete canoe

Swinging with no handsKenny perfects his golf swing with Grandpa

A mini string trioMaking Egg in a hole

At Chism Beach Park

Dessert on the deck

In this view shot of Seattle from our house, you can see the foothills before the Olympics. They're usually not visible.At Forest Hill park with some friends - from the left, Kenji, Kenny, Kimi, and Jack

At the "Concrete Canoe" competition on Lake Sammamish. First time I've heard of concrete canoes. It's a competition participated in by the engineering department of many universities. They had some activities for little kids - in this one, you make your own little boat of tinfoil, and then see how much you can load in it before it sinks.Creating "slime" with white glue and borax

The concrete canoe racesKenny carrying the picnic bag by himself

One of the teamsThey had to be very careful climbing in...

Lunch at Salish LodgeLook ma, no hands!

Picking strawberries in the front yardPudding with Benji and Marina

Hanging out with Rochelle

Golf in the front yard with Grandpa