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| | The Eiffel Tower, in butter |
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The restaurant at Club Med. Lots of kids. | | At the playground |
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Kayaking in the morning, when the water is quite calm | | They had a trapeeze setup for both kids and adults, which I ended up using as well! |
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Taking the bus into town | | Old fasioned looking washing machines for sale |
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Saw a lot of these in use, usually by street vendors | | Lots of indian women on the street with their young kids, who have to stay very close by. Seems like a hard life. |
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| | Dried meat hung up |
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Eric is always a sucker for little kitties. This one looked pretty unhealthy, though. | | I ended up buying some wooden bowls from this guy |
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Playing with Kenny at the little gym | | At the beach |
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| | Kenny loved the water |
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| | And the sand got EVERYWHERE! |
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Liked the bouncy horse! | | Sunset |
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The outside play area at the baby club | | The pool looked great, but the water was uncomfortably hot |
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We went on a "countryside tour" one afternoon. These seats were everywhere | | Visiting a rural bakery |
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They use coconut husks to heat the oven | | Grinder to get the meat out of the coconut, attached to a flat part to sit on |
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Got to put the cookies in the oven | | They tasted unusual - made of corn flour, not very sweet, and very crumbly |
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Next we went to a coconut plantation. There were acres of coconuts, in all different stages | | The coconut on the left and right have "manzanitas de coco" which are spongy fruits that form inside them when they've sprouted. When they're small, they're tasty, but when they get larger and fill the whole cavity, they're dry and tasteless |
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Drying the coconuts in the sun | |
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|  | |  | At a clay tile and brick workshop | | Drying in the sun |
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|  | |  | | | When they have a big order and have to work late, they use this lantern |
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|  | |  | On our way to a chapel built in the middle of a dried out swamp | |
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|  | |  | This is the "miracle image". To me, it looks a lot like a piece of a picture of the Virgin Mary. But our guide insisted that it wasn't, and that it appeared naturally, and and also that sometimes she opens and closes her eyes, and moves her fingers. Also, apparently it never shows up in photos... | | Squatter settlements on the way back |
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|  | |  | Sailboats on the beach | | Eric rented a jetski |
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|  | |  | Food was abundant and tasty. | |
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|  | |  | The buffet area itself was cavernous. | | Tasty breads |
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|  | |  | And sauces. Unfortunately they didn't say how hot they were! | | Prepping to go up on the trapeeze! They cinch the strap extremely tight - it was hard to take a breath! |
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|  | |  | Whew! Glad that's over. See the video for details. | | Kenny gets a lollipop |
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|  | |  | Some of the women who worked in the Baby Club. We really liked them - they were very attentive and sweet. This is Ana. | | Paula |
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|  | |  | This is unfortunately the best family photo we got here. I sure look goofy! | | The "bar" area. Lots of strollers |
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|  | | | On the way home - Zihuatanejo from the air. | | | | | | |