Visiting NC

Kenny and I go to visit Eric's parents in Asheville and my mother in Charlotte

Kenny playing with his granddadKenny with his first Cherrio

Ann explains her painting techniqueKenny enjoys looking at the cat

Kenny plays on the dishwasherKenny is packed and ready to go

In Asheville with Ken and AnnKen and Kenny

Ann and KennyDriving to the Arboretum, we saw a house trailer that had slid off the truck, onto the side of the highway

I'd like to have a little herb garden like this.The quilt garden

In the Vasilik garden

Getting a bath in the sinkKenny and his uncle Brian

Mom and Les feeding ConradMom with Kenny

Kenny borrows Conrad's little car

Kenny looking at a snake at an Asheville nature center

Watching the pygmy goats

Another splendid picnic lunchBrian will probably be buying this house

The artist at work in her studioKenny explores