At Fort Ebey - our first time there. These fortifications were from 1942 according to the signs, unlike most of the forts in this area which were from before WWI. | |
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|  | |  | There were inside rooms that were fairly well-preserved - still had linoleum on the floor! | | Neat cliffside walk |
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|  | |  | | | I was pissed at having to pay a $5 parking fee at the state parks - state parks that we've already paid for with our taxes. If there were no state taxes, then fine, I'd be happy to pay for parking, but that's not the case. |
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|  | |  | At Fort Casey | |
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|  | |  | A former bridge right outside of Fort Casey. | | We went to Langley, hoping to participate in the Langley Mystery Weekend - a who-dunnit murder mystery, spread over a weekend. Unfortunately, we arrived pretty late - there's lots of clues to gather, and we only had an hour with which to do it, so we just walked around and saw the sights. This woman was a suspect in the murder, and was out and about, giving people hints. |
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|  | |  | The site of the "murder" | | Another suspect. | | |