Flying with Steve and Roger to visit Fry's electronics in Portland Oregon.
This is Steve.
This is Steve's plane.
Steve has a special relationship with his plane. He describes it as a love/hate relationship. He loves flying, hates paying so much for it!
Fry's Electronics is a HUGE computer and consumer electronics store which is popular in California's Silicon Valley. To many, it is "Nerdvana".
Roger got shotgun on the flight to Portland. Roger has a private pilot's licence.
Here you can see Mount Ranier in the distance.
It was quite clouded over on the flight out. Fortunately, we got above most of it at 13,000 feet.
Here you can see the airstrip in Portand quite clearly. On the return trip, we could not see the air strip until we were practically past it! Steve is a very good pilot.
Obligatory shot of the lovely couple by the aircraft.
On the flight back I played the role of copilot. This is what I got to look at. Lots of cool dials!
On the flight back, we accumulated a small bit of ice. Steve called it "Light, Clear Ice".
If you look carfully at the wing, you might see some ice on the leading edge. Steve used the de-icing equipment to crack some of it.
Steve uses a special electric cart to push his plane into the hangar.