
We arrive and see our first animals

First a few pictures from before our trip - Kenny on the swing downstairs. That swing has provided more play value than any other toy we've bought. And - never any cleanup!Peter's 10th birthday party - the pinata

The birthday cake

View of Mercer Island and the I-90 bridge from the planeAt the Arumeru River Lodge - there were loads of these tiny little deer called 'dik-diks'

The lobby at the lodge

Peter got a little birthday cakeKids playing frisbee in the field

At Arusha National Park.It looks like an elephant, but it's a cement sculpture

Zebras and wildebeestBaboons hanging out on the road

Blue monkey

A tiny cute baby baboon

Interesting hilly area - we had our box lunches close by

This plant was everywhere

There were huge flocks of flamingo


Interesting how the trees are nibbled to a certain height by the giraffes